Our team of specialists has valuable experience with maintaining a high quality of products according to regulatory requirements, and meeting international standards. Wesbridge Biomedical focuses on unified scientific and regulatory aspects of product formulation, marketing, and product compliance.
We have simplified the process of completing a natural product licence application, and obtaining a natural product license from the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) into several steps. We have the ability to review your proposed formulation and make revisions to be acceptable, provide the scientific and analytical documents, fill out the registration application forms and follow the statutory requirements.
After signing a non-disclosure agreement with you that anything we discuss remains strictly confidential, we will require some information like dosage form, main medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients and their sources, extract rates and potencies. The detail of the process of our cooperation in this regard will be provided as soon as you delegate us to do the registration.
Notice that Wesbridge Biomedical Inc. will not be responsible for the consequences of any actions taken by a company on the basis of the information provided by the Wesbridge Biomedical staff. We can be a bridge to reach you to your destination.